Ingenieurgesellschaft für
technische Software


Please note: This is a translation from an original German content of our website. German word description will prevail over any translation of this content.

INTES Ingenieurgesellschaft für technische Software mbH
Breitwiesenstr. 28, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)711/78499-0
Fax: +49 (0)711/78499-10
Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Fischer

Commercial Register Number: Stuttgart HRB 10978
VAT registration number: DE 147 803 245

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This web site may contain foreward-looking statements. As a result of events that lie beyond our control or that our influence on is limited, there might occur material deviations from these statements. We do not intend or assume any obligation to update any statements directed to the future.