- High performance computing
- for large and very large models,
- with fast solvers,
- and parallelization.
- Special high performance algorithms
- for contact analysis,
- for eigenvalues with MLDR method,
- for fluid-structure coupling.
- Productivity tools
- for automatic part coupling and incompatible meshes,
- with substructuring and submodelling,
- by integrated optimization.
The PERMAS Finite Element Software
PERMAS is among the most advanced Finite Element Software Systems worldwide.
It offers a complete range of industrial solutions at the highest possible performance, quality and reliability.
Solutions for statics, dynamics, heat transfer, fluid-structure acoustics and optimization.
New Features deliver continuosly innovation.
Review the PERMAS Short Description for an overview of the possibilities or have a look at publications.
Review the PERMAS Short Description for an overview of the possibilities or have a look at publications.
Superior Quality, Performance and Reliability
Leading manufacturers trust the high quality and performance of PERMAS for their daily work. The software plays an important role in the design cycle of automobiles, ships, aerospace structures and many more. For more than three decades the high reliability of PERMAS has been appreciated by many structural analysis departments.Particular Strengths
Complete Solution

- Thermo-mechanical analysis (TM)
- Linear and non-linear static analysis: linear and non-linear material, geometric non-linear behavior, contact with and without friction and slip-stick conditions, creep and non-linear elasticity.
- Heat Transfer: steady-state or transient analysis including non-linear and temperature dependent material and convectivity data with direct coupling to mechanical analysis, heat exchange by radiation.
- Vibro-acoustic analysis (VA)
- Dynamics: response analysis in the time or frequency domain, steady state response, spectral and earthquake response, random response, and acoustics, direct or in the reduced space of the Eigenmodes, many different models for mass, damping and kinematic behavior.
- Acoustics: response analysis in the time or frequency domain for a fluid alone or coupled to structures, in the reduced space of the Eigenmodes or direct in frequency/time domain.
- Design Optimization (DO)
- Optimization: topology optimization, shape and sizing optimization, various design variables and design objectives, superposition of multiple loading cases, direct coupling with static, dynamic or contact analysis.
- Reliability Analysis: find robust optimum designs that exhibit a low probability of failure, direct coupling with design optimization.
- Electro-magnetic analysis (EM)
- Electromagnetic Fields: solution of Maxwell's equations for induction problems, wave propagation, eddy currents or general electrodynamics.
The same software and the same model are used in all of the above solutions. Coupled and combined solutions are easily possible for many of the above analysis types.
Outstanding Performance

Questions? Ask us!
INTES Ingenieurgesellschaft für technische Software mbH
Management: Rolf Fischer
Breitwiesenstr. 28
70565 Stuttgart
Commercial register: Stuttgart HRB 10 978
VAT registration number: DE 147803245
Tel.: +49 711 78499-0