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- Papers:
- L. Dastugue, J. Marchesini, M. Klein; Integration of fatigue analysis in FEM solver for faster more reliable process; ELSEVIER, Fatigue Design 2023 (FatDes 2023), Procedia Structural Integrity 57 (2024) 355-364 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, M. Ast; Contact Analysis - An Alternative Approach; NAFEMS World Congress 2019, Quebec 17-20 June 2019 (PDF).
- M. Shimozono, R. Helfrich, R. Fischer; Let Simulation Do the Design - Faster; NAFEMS World Congress 2019, Quebec 17-20 June 2019 (PDF).
- N. Wagner; Weight Reduction through Composites and Optimization; NAFEMS World Congress 2019, Quebec 17-20 June 2019 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, B. Kirchgäßner, G. Nötzel-Steidle; Optimizing the Dynamic System Behaviour of Machine Tools; NAFEMS World Congress 2019, Quebec 17-20 June 2019 (PDF).
- N. Wagner; When Is It Worth Using Design Exploration in Practice?; NAFEMS World Congress 2019, Quebec 17-20 June 2019 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, B. Kirchgäßner, G. Nötzel-Steidle; Integrated System Simulation of a Milling Machine; NAFEMS Seminar: Better Products with Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and CAE, Wiesbaden, 14-15 Nov 2018 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, A. Schünemann; Robust Design by Optimization under Reliability Constraints; CAASE18, Cleveland, 5-7 June 2018 (PDF).
- M. Klein; Self-Contact with Update of Wire Harness; NAFEMS DACH Regionalkonferenz: Berechnung und Simulation, Bamberg, 14-16 May 2018 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, J. Müller; Alloy Wheel Optimization to Avoid Cracking; NAFEMS World Congress 2017, Stockholm 11-14 June 2017 (PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; Static and Dynamic Analysis of a Rod-Fastened Rotor; NAFEMS World Congress 2017, Stockholm 11-14 June 2017 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, A. Schünemann; Design of an Engine Bracket by Simulation; NAFEMS World Congress 2017, Stockholm 11-14 June 2017 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, M. Klein; What makes Bolt Self-loosening Predictable?; NAFEMS World Congress 2017, Stockholm 11-14 June 2017 (PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; Dynamic Vibration Absorbers and its Applications; NAFEMS World Congress 2017, Stockholm 11-14 June 2017 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, A. Schünemann, S. Weber, A. Kienzle; Weight Optimization of a Transmission Housing; SIA Congrès Simulation, ESTACA, Campus Paris-Saclay, 15-16 March 2017 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, A. Schünemann; Topology Optimization of an Engine Bracket Under Harmonic Loads; SIA International Conference « Automotive NVH Comfort », Le Mans 19-20 Oct 2016 (PDF).
- J. Marchesini, M. Lequoy, INTES France; R. Helfrich, INTES GmbH; Design and Analysis of Launcher Tanks with Bolted Joints; 14th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing (ECSSMET), 27-30 Sep 2016, Toulouse, France (PDF).
- S. Carvajal, D. Wallner, R. Helfrich, M. Klein; Excellent Brake NVH Comfort by Simulation - Use of Optimization Methods to Reduce Squeal Noise; 9th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress; June 22-24, 2016 Graz / Austria (SAE).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; How to cope with uncertainties in boundary conditions and couplings of substructures; NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego 21-24 June 2015 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, M. Spriegel; Noise propagation from vibrating structures; NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego 21-24 June 2015 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, N. Wagner; Modal analysis of slender curved beams preloaded through clamping; NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego 21-24 June 2015 (PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; Modeling of geometric mistuning in bladed rotors; NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego 21-24 June 2015 (PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; The moving force problem revisited; NAFEMS World Congress 2015, San Diego 21-24 June 2015 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, N. Wagner; Robust Optimum in Structural Dynamics; Nafems Seminar: Optimization and Robust Design, Wiesbaden 23-24 März 2015 (PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; Reliability analysis of mistuned blisks; SIRM 2015, 11th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Magdeburg, Germany, 23–25 Februar 2015 (PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; Application of Optimization Methods in Rotor Dynamics; 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, September 22 - 25, 2014; Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy (PDF).
- S. Carvajal, D. Wallner, Porsche; R. Helfrich, M. Klein, Intes; Excellent brake NVH comfort by simulation - Creating a stability map using advanced methods; SIA &CTTM Automotive NVH Comfort Symposium, Le Mans, France, 22-23 October 2014 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, J. Marchesini; Dynamic substructuring with mixed boundary conditions to cope with complex structural assemblies; European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing, Braunschweig, Germany, 1-4 April 2014 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, N. Wagner; Dynamics of rotors in complex structures; Nafems World Congress 2013, Salzburg, Austria, 9-12 May 2013 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, M. Klein; Highly accurate elastic contact in moving structures; Nafems World Congress 2013, Salzburg, Austria, 9-12 May 2013 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, M. Klein, A. Schünemann; Rib design to increase stiffness of housings; Nafems Seminar: Concept Driven Design by Simulation; Wiesbaden 20-21 Mar 2013 (Paper PDF). In addition, the presentation is available with some more results (Presentation PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich; Computation of the transmission loss of acoustic resonators; Nafems Seminar: Generation and Propagation of Sound in Solids and Fluids; Wiesbaden 6-7 Nov 2012 (PDF).
- B. Kirchgäßner, A. Schünemann, R. Helfrich; Integrated System Simulation of Machine Tools; Nafems Seminar: The Role of CAE in System Simulation; Wiesbaden 8-9 Nov 2011 (PDF).
- M. Ast, S. Hüeber, M. Klein, R. Helfrich; Performance Breakthrough in Engine Analysis; NAFEMS World Congress 2011, Boston 23-26 May 2011 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich, I. Pflieger; Simulation and Optimization of Part Connections; NAFEMS Seminar: Simulations of Connections and Joints in Structures; Wiesbaden 28-29 April 2010 (PDF).
- R. Helfrich; Active Damping of Composites; NAFEMS World Congress 2009, Crete, Greece, 16-19 June 2009 (PDF).
- U. Heiselbetz, Daimler, J. Müller, INTES; Weight Optimization of a Gear Wheel Considering the Manufacturing Process and Cyclic Symmetry; 9th Stuttgart International Symposium "Automotive and Engine Technology"; Stuttgart 24-25 Mar 2009 (PDF).
- Extended Abstracts:
- Reinhard Helfrich, Bettina Zickler, INTES GmbH; Elektrodynamic Induction and Coupling to Thermodynamics and Structural Mechanics; NAFEMS Regional Conference DACH, Bamberg, Germany 14-16 May 2018 (PDF).
- Reinhard Helfrich, Nils Wagner, INTES GmbH; Numerical buckling analysis of stiffened composite panels; NAFEMS Regional Conference Americas, Seattle 7-9 June 2016 (PDF).
- N. Wagner, R. Helfrich, INTES GmbH; Useful Tools in the Design Process of Rotor-Bearing Systems; NAFEMS Regional Conference DACH, Bamberg 20-21 May 2014 (PDF).
- J. Marchesini, INTES France, R. Helfrich, INTES GmbH, Manuel Henner, VALEO France; Design of Mechatronic Devices by Electro-Thermal FE Analysis Coupled to CFD Analysis; NAFEMS European Conference Multiphysics Simulation, Frankfurt 16-17 Oct 2012 (PDF).
- Presentations:
- B. Kirchgaessner, M. Klein; Improved Material Damping for Squeal Prediction by Simulation (CEA); Brake Colloquium & Exhibition - 37th Annual, Orlando 22-25 Sep 2019 (PDF).
- B. Zickler; Visualization of COP results from contact analysis; PERMAS Technology DAy 2019, Stuttgart, 11 April 2019 (PPSX).
- R. Helfrich; Fluid-Structure Acoustic Analysis with Bidirectional Coupling and Sound Transmission; VPE Swiss Acoustics Workshop, Rapperswil 12 Sep 2013 (PDF).