For further informations, see product description.
VisPER, Overview
A specific user interface greatly simplifies the modeling and hence increases the efficiency of the user. VisPER directly accesses the PERMAS data structures achieving an unmatched data consistency between graphical user interface and PERMAS. In the future, new functions in PERMAS will be supported by the preprocessing earlier than today. Further concepts of the software are:
- Wizards guiding the user through the respective modeling steps.
- Scripting (using Python) for the creation and replication of standard procedures.
- Batch capability, i.e. an interactive process is not necessary for the use of the graphical capabilities.
- A high degree of configurability allows the customization including client-specific help functions.
VisPER supports the following PERMAS analysis types:
- Optimization for topology, sizing, (free-) shape, bead design
- Design by simulation (Design wizard))
- Brake squeal
- Fluid-Structure-coupling
- Contact analysis, including pressfit, pretension
- Model variants (Add&Replace Wizard)
- Sub-Structuring
- Model validation (including the execution of PERMAS test runs)
VisPER is a registered trademark of INTES GmbH.
PCGen: PERMAS Component Generator
PCGen is not an all-purpose mesher, it is a specialized tool, that aims at integrating standards for model generation, as well as providing a convenient and adapted interface for model definition. Thus, it focuses mainly on the following products:
- Shell structures
- Laminate
- Flanges and stiffeners
- Bolted flanges
- Fluid tanks
Tank modeling with PCGen.
![Download flyer](PCGen_flyer.png)